Ankle Tendonitis: Foot and Ankle Tendon Injuries

When a tendon of the foot and ankle becomes inflamed, it’s called tendonitis, and chronic tendonitis can lead to a tendon degenerative known as tendinopathy. Any overuse or traumatic injury can cause tendon injuries and lead to tendonitis. Tendonitis of the foot and ankle primarily occurs in the Achilles tendon, peroneal tendon, extensor tendon, tibialis posterior tendon, or tibialis anterior tendon.

These five tendons of the foot and ankle can differentiate by where the pain occurs, including:

  • Top of the foot
  • Outer foot and ankle (pinky side)
  • The inner side of the foot and ankle (big toe side)
    The backside (heel)

Back Side (Heel)

Achilles tendonitis- There is a large tendon at the end of the gastrocnemius muscle and the strongest ankle plantar flexor. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon can cause heel and calf pain during walking and running. Tendinopathy is common.

Outer Foot/Ankle

Peroneal Tendonitis- A tendon located on the outer ankle commonly injured during traditional ankle sprains, and could result in a peroneal tendon tear.  The Peroneal muscle help with plantar flexion and eversion of the foot.

Topside Foot/Ankle

Extensor Tendonitis– The tendon group on the top of the foot is common in runners. If you lift your toes, you will see the extensor tendons appear on the top of the foot.

Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis- The largest and strongest tendon creating dorsiflexion of the ankle. Front of ankle pain is generally made by lifting the foot towards the shin and commonly occurs with shin splints.

Inner side Foot/Ankle

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis– Large tendon on the inner side of the foot. This tendon supports the medial longitudinal arch, and with significant tendon injuries, flatfoot can occur.

Symptoms of Tendonitis

Tendonitis of the foot and ankle tends to be painful during activities (running) that subside during rest and reoccurs once exercises begin again.

Cause of Tendonitis

Tendonitis of the foot and ankle occurs when the tendon becomes inflamed due to overuse, injury, strain, or too much repetitive exercise.

Common Causes include:

Peroneal Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis
Extensor Tendonitis
  • Tightly fitted shoes
  • Uphill workouts
Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis
  • High heel shoes
  • Kicking with pointed toe
  • Poorly controlled foot pronation
Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis
  • Eversion ankle sprain
  • Limited ankle dorsiflexion
  • Weak foot intrinsic muscles

Our editorial practices include evidence-based practices, interventions, and recommendations.

Achilles Tendonitis

Peroneal Tendonitis

Tibialis Anterior and Extensor Tendonitis (pain location)

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis


YOU should be able to move the way you’d like to move without experiencing pain. YOU should be able to experience freedom and energy knowing there’s nothing holding back from giving your life 110%. Dr. Dean would like to learn more about your challenges with a quick phone or email before beginning treatment. Contact him today.