Affordable Chiropractic Care versus Best Care in Los Angeles!
Typical Chiropractic Pricing Structure
Most chiropractors in LA operate their clinics utilizing insurance reimbursement methods in which initial sessions last between 30-60 minutes on average, with follow-up appointments being 6-15 minutes with an emphasis on chiropractic adjustment.
Typical Pricing Structure below:
- Initial consultations typically range from $50 to $200, with follow-up visits costing between $30 to $100
- Some chiropractors may offer package deals or discounts for multiple sessions
- Insurance coverage for chiropractic care varies, so it’s essential to check with your provider beforehand
- Additional treatments such as X-rays or therapeutic modalities may incur extra charges, some require X-rays prior to beginning treatment
- Overall, expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $150 per session for chiropractic care in Los Angeles
- Look for any hidden fees or additional charges that may be associated with treatment
Chiropractor costs in Los Angeles vary depending on the provider and services offered. The cost of a chiropractor in Los Angeles can vary depending on location, experience, and services offered.
Pros and Cons of Traditional Insurance Model in Chiropractic Care
The problem that has plagued the chiropractic profession for decades is how insurance companies pay doctors for their services. For example, a chiropractor can’t bill for an adjustment and do manual therapy on the same spine region. If your neck hurts, the chiropractor only gets paid by the insurance company for the adjustment or the manual therapy, not both. This forces the doctor to make treatment decisions based on monetary considerations rather than what’s best for the patient. The reimbursement schedule prioritizing adjustments for the highest reimbursement rate also incentivizes the doctor to spend less time with the patient in favor of a higher number of patients in a day rather than focusing on the quality of care, which requires more time to spend with a patient. Treatment should include both manual therapy and rehabilitation exercises, but unfortunately, some insurance companies pay very poorly for these services. Some don’t reimburse the doctor at all.
These factors of reimbursement are why most chiropractors only have 8-15 minute follow-up sessions and occasionally 30 minutes.
Dr. Dean Struggled with this concept for years. In one case, there was a patient who came into the clinic in a wheelchair due to severe low back pain from failed surgeries, had to quit her job, and was on disability. She was motivated and wanted to resume working in the career she loved.
She underwent three months of treatment utilizing her insurance with a $20 co-pay fee. After three months of therapy with Dr. Dean, she was able to resume her career, get off disability, and even go on short jogs!
The kicker is that after the bill was submitted to insurance, the insurance company deemed that the treatment “wasn’t medically necessary.” None of the services rendered were reimbursed.
Rather than fighting with the insurance company, Dr. Dean decided to drop all contracts with all insurance companies and do what’s known as a “cash practice” or “Concierge practice.” The session went from thirty minutes to 60 minutes—quality over quantity.
Moral of the Story: Longer visits allow Chiropractors to utilize the most advanced techniques to address patients’ complaints and achieve faster and longer sustained results. Most of Dr. Dean’s patients feel a significant reduction of symptoms in the first session, and the total treatment visits are 3-5 sessions. Under a traditional model this would be closer to 12-15 sessions for resolution of symptoms.
Reach out to Dr. Dean by texting (best) calling 323-354-6077, or emailing at
Our editorial practices include evidence-based practices, interventions, and recommendations.
Dr. Justin Dean is the only one I trust my whole family with. NCA is outrageously effective.
Sean Rad
Founder of Tinder
Dr. Dean fixed my chronic tension headaches in a visit and had me SLIVING (slaying + living) in no time!
Paris Hilton
Entrepreneur, DJ, Media Personality
Within 15 seconds of working with him I squatted pain free for the first time in 8 years. Dr. Dean gave me my life back.
Sam Moore
Former Elite Volleyball Player
I have trusted Dr. Dean with my elite athletes and my own nagging injuries! I recommend his services to any athlete looking for support.
Bradford Scott
Head Sports Performance Coach, Atlanta Braves