Adductor Hallucis: The Adductor of The First Phalanx

The Adductor hallucis muscle a two-headed intrinsic foot muscle. The adductor hallucis primary function contract the big toe towards the second toe, flexion, and helps with the stability of the foot’s arch.  The muscle does this by having two muscle heads (transverse and oblique heads) that form a V attaching in the inner portion of the big toe, which together pulls the big toe towards the second toe.  When this muscle is weak or tight it can pull the big toe towards the midline over time this can create a bunion, deep arch pain, or big toe pain with walking.

Adductor Hallucis Pain

The adductor hallucis is a key support muscle of both the longitudinal arch and transverse arch of the foot. When dysfunctional, weak, or injured the following painful conditions can arise.

  • Big toe pain
  • Arch pain
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Tibial nerve entrapment
  • Bunions

Treatment of Adductor Hallucis Pain

In order to eliminate stiffness pain or dysfunction of this muscle, it’s important to acknowledge that this muscle is an intrinsic muscle of the foot and works synergistically with all other muscles of the foot. Therefore, the entire mobility and stability of the feet need to be addressed.

To test if your adductor Hallucis is weak and tight simply test if you can pull your big toe away from the second toe. If this motion is limited, then this could be due to a tight adductor hallucis or a weak abductor hallucis (most likely both!)


YOU should be able to move the way you’d like to move without experiencing pain. YOU should be able to experience freedom and energy knowing there’s nothing holding back from giving your life 110%. Dr. Dean would like to learn more about your challenges with a quick phone or email before beginning treatment. Contact him today.