Find Relief from Sciatica Pain in LA with Chiropractic Care in 2024
Chiropractic care can be an effective treatment for sciatica, providing relief through adjustments and therapies. Look for a local chiropractor specializing in treating sciatic pain to experience improved mobility and reduced discomfort.
Chiropractic adjustments for sciatica can be a practical treatment approach. Adjustments can relieve back pain and reduce joint stiffness near the sciatic nerve. For best results, the adjustments should be paired with cutting-edge myofascial release techniques, nerve mobilizations, and movement reeducation to reduce compression on the nerve most commonly caused by disc herniation. Doctor Dean’s Clinic and team services the Los Angeles area with his eclectic approach to quickly and effectively help patients experiencing sciatica and back pain from a disc injury. No surgery or medication is required.
Look no further if you are looking for a local chiropractic expert in sciatica. Including if the pain travels from the lower back, buttocks, or the leg to the foot! Home visits or office wellness appointments are available today with flexible hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Pro Tip: Stop Stretching the hamstring and muscles; it’s only making it worse!
Understanding Sciatica and Its Treatment Options
Sciatica or lumbosacral radicular syndrome occurs when the pressure is usually by compression from a disc herniation on the nerve root as it exits the spine. Most family members may refer to this condition as a pinched nerve. This pain is mostly of spinal origin and can travel down the leg and into the foot and ankle. Trauma or Injury causing a nerve to become painful is also known as neuralgia.
Other possible causes include:
- Piriformis syndrome- the sciatic nerve runs under this hip muscle
- Spinal Stenosis- Narrowing of the spinal canal
- Pelvic Injury or fracture- including the buttocks
- Spondylolisthesis- Spinal displacement of one vertabrea forward
- Postural considerations
- Repetitive sports injuries
- Overactive back muscles
Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve Injury
- Numbness: Loss of sensation in legs
- Tingling- back of leg or outer side of the foot or ankle
- Weakness of the foot and ankle
- Difficulty bending the knee, walking on toes, or lifting foot upwards.
- Abnormal or weak reflexes-
- Pain when bending forward, backward, or twisting
- Pregnancy- Due to increased lumbar spinal curve
Treatment: More Than a Chiropractic Adjustments
Adjustments by Chiropractors can effectively relieve sciatica, but it’s the least essential technique when dealing with nerve root pain like sciatica. Adjustments, especially in chronic cases, temporarily reduce pain and stiffness in the the muscles and ligaments surrounding the joint. Movement education, myofascial stiffness, and nerve mobilizations are vital additions to the treatment plan to achieve fast and effective results.
It’s also essential to be aware that in most cases, recovery and symptoms relieve on their own in about 4-6 weeks. Some cases of sciatica take much longer and are considered chronic after three months. This can become an issue as brain changes occur, and it’s better to ask your doctor questions about treatment at the onset of the pain. Also side note, a chiropratic subluxation is an outdated terminology.
Movement Reeducation
Bending forward of the lumbar spine is the mechanism of herniated disc injury. Therefore, those suffering from this condition must center all movement around the hip joint, rather than the low back. This is the first step in the healing process and will decrease discomfort when performing everyday tasks such as standing up.
Myofascial Release
Stiffness in the muscles and fascia creates a compressive force on the nerves as they exit the joints in the spine. Reducing this tension is a from of decompression therapy and help ease patient pain and discomfort throughout the body. Few techniques accomplish this, including massage therapy.
Nerve Mobilizations
Nerve health can suffer when it’s pinched or compressed. Compression can occur at the disc, bone, or connective tissue surrounding the nerve, such as the muscles, ligaments, fascia, or any structure next to the next, including the skin. Decompression is they key to symptom relief. The nerve also needs to be able to stretch and move in all directions. Nerve flossing is a treatment method involving gentle stretches to free up the nerve and can significantly alleviate irritation and improve function.
Regular chiropractic visits with this approach can help reduce inflammation, improve mobility, and promote natural healing of the affected area. Consult a licensed chiropractor with experience treating patients with sciatica. They will thoroughly examine and develop individualized treatment plans tailored to your needs.
Additional therapies can complement the above approach, including massage therapy, physical therapy, or acupuncture.
Dr. Dean has traveled the world, studying the most up-to-date methods in diagnosing and treating even the most complex cases, conditions, or injuries of the sciatic nerve. I’ve spent many long hours traveling and learning to offer Los Angeles the best and most up-to-date treatment techniques available for sciatica. This also includes many other conditions, such as scoliosis, vertigo, neck pain, disc injuries, foot pain, shoulder issues, migraines, TMJ, headaches, whiplash and injuries of the extremities, such as Tunnel syndromes.
Reach out to book with Dr. Dean, DC, in California by texting or calling 323-354-6077 or emailing him at
Practice Located in LA county at 12401 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 105, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Our editorial process includes evidence-based practices, interventions, and recommendations.